The greatest competitive advantage in the modern economy is a positive and engaged brain

-Shawn Achor

Happiness Advantage | Orange Frog
Virtual Experience

from 10:00am to 4:45pm (ET)
(with a lunch break from 1:00pm to 1:45pm)

$445 For Non-AASA Members

AASA Special Discount Price $249 Per Person
(larger groups subject to space availability; please contact us at


(limit 10 people per district/organization at special reduced rate – any requests above 10 people would be at the standard rate of $445 per person)

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Best-Selling Books by
Shawn Achor

The Happiness Advantage

The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology that Fuel Success & Performance at Work

Our most commonly held formula for success is broken. Conventional wisdom holds that if we work hard we will be more successful, and if we are more successful, then we’ll be happy. If we can just find that great job, win that next promotion, lose those five pounds, happiness will follow. But recent discoveries in the field of positive psychology have shown that this formula is actually backward: happiness fuels success, not the other way around.

The Orange Frog

A Parable for Culture Change

Caught between two worlds, Spark was exactly like every other frog in his pond with one notable exception. Spark emerges from a tadpole with a slight but noticeable orange spot. And this orange spot makes Spark feel uncomfortably different. What’s more, Spark begins to make a disconcerting observation; when he does things that make him feel better (and produce more positive results) the orange spots increase. Spark is left with a difficult decision; be normal, which makes him less conspicuous, or continue doing those things that make him happier, more productive and… more orange. So begins the parable of The Orange Frog, a disarming tale that serves as the starting point for the workshop Leading Positive Results™.

Big Potential

How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises our Achievement, Happiness and Well-Being

We have long thought about potential as being a set of individual traits: your creativity, your skills your intelligence. But thanks to exciting new research combining neuroscience and psychology with Big Data, we now know that our potential is not limited by what we alone can achieve. Instead, it is determined by how we complement, contribute to, and benefit from the abilities and achievements of people around us.

Positive Environments Enhance Performance

The Happiness Advantage | Orange Frog Workshop™ provide the blueprint for increasing employee engagement, tapping into people's intrinsic motivations, and maximizing potential in the workplace and our personal lives.

Based on the works of positive psychology researcher, Shawn Achor and taught in Harvard’s famed happiness course and to companies worldwide, this experiential workshop teaches the science of peak performance based on the seven actionable principles from The Happiness Advantage and provides a sustainable approach to enhancing productivity at the individual, team and organization levels.

The workshop uses metaphor and narrative to make The Happiness Advantage research come to life.

In The Orange Frog, the main character is a frog named Spark who turns “orange” among an island of green frogs. Spark is a positive outlier, adaptive with an optimistic mindset open to change. Spark provides social support for the rest of the team — not causing transformation per se, but guiding others to find it within themselves.

After learning to embrace the benefits of The Happiness Advantage, workshop participants are encouraged to share these benefits with co-workers, leading to a positive “ripple effect” that spreads throughout the organization, and even into their personal lives. Participants also learn and experience the practices of resilient leaders, becoming more adaptable and capable of capitalizing on critical opportunities.

See why THIS WORKSHOP has been credited with raising engagement scores, increasing levels of optimism and well-being, reducing stress and producing record breaking financial results.

Watch: How to Spark Happiness and Increase Positivity

The workshop uses metaphor and narrative to make The Happiness Advantage research come to life.

In The Orange Frog, the main character is a frog named Spark who turns “orange” among an island of green frogs. Spark is a positive outlier, adaptive with an optimistic mindset open to change. Spark provides social support for the rest of the team — not causing transformation per se, but guiding others to find it within themselves.

After learning to embrace the benefits of The Happiness Advantage, workshop participants are encouraged to share these benefits with co-workers, leading to a positive “ripple effect” that spreads throughout the organization, and even into their personal lives. Participants also learn and experience the practices of resilient leaders, becoming more adaptable and capable of capitalizing on critical opportunities.

See why THIS WORKSHOP has been credited with raising engagement scores, increasing levels of optimism and well-being, reducing stress and producing record breaking financial results.

Watch: How to Spark Happiness and Increase Positivity


Considered one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success, Shawn Achor is the New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage, Big Potential, and The Orange Frog.

His research on mindset made the cover of Harvard Business Review, his TED Talk is one of the most popular of all time with more than 24 million views, and he has lectured or worked with nearly half of the Fortune 100 companies as well as the NFL, the NBA, the Pentagon, and the White House.

Having spent over a decade living, researching, and lecturing at Harvard University (and during that time winning over a dozen distinguished teaching awards), Shawn draws on his own research — including one of the largest studies of happiness and potential at Harvard — and more recently on the effects of positivity in organizations facing crisis, to show how our potential can be unleashed, and our people re-energized when we focus on pursuing happiness now, especially during times of challenge and uncertainty.

He has now lectured in more than 50 countries speaking to CEOs in China, doctors in Dubai, schoolchildren in South Africa, and farmers in Zimbabwe. His Happiness Advantage training is one of the largest and most successful positive psychology corporate training programs in the world.

Check out Shawn's TED Talk here

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